Star Nutrition

799 Christmas Ave Suite 400, Bethlehem, GA 30620678-979-9400
[email protected]


Our mission is to build relationships in the community by providing high-quality nutritious replacements and energizing herbal teas. Interested? Check our Menu!

Meet the Owners

Scott and Brittany Queen, the proud owners of Star Nutrition Bethlehem, are blessed parents of five daughters and four granddaughters. They have been married for a decade and are devoted members of their local church, attending services faithfully at 10:25. Scott is a local paramedic who has served his community for 24 years and became an EMT in 1992. Brittany, who began her health journey 5 years ago, has been involved with Star Nutrition for 2.
With their roots firmly planted in Walton County and a shared vision for the future, Scott and Brittany Queen are dedicated to leading Star Nutrition Bethlehem with the same values that have guided their lives: integrity, family, and a commitment to serving their community.

Meet the Staff

Become a Distributer

Do you really like our product? Consider selling your own! Become part of the family and contact us now at [email protected] to get informed on how to start!